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There’s A Growing Market
Software Product
Learn How To Step In Front of This Opportunity And Get Started… FAST!

Presented By Lynette Chandler
Lynette has been developing websites and web applications since 1999. A keen student of marketing, she combined both her skills to help build a software company that sustains her team and her family of 5.
Here’s What You’ll Learn
Exactly which market is growing exponentially, and already has proven, hungry buyers for you to step right into.
Product Type
What type of software you should NOT be creating and why. This is one of the biggest mistakes software companies make.
The specific steps you need to take to hire a developer you can count on. This method changed my hiring process.
Recurring Income
How to package your software for steady, monthly recurring income.
Learn key techniques to sell your software.
How to get on the fast track so you have a product in days and be earning within the week.